The enemy of God projects a spiritual hologram. It is a virtual veil that clouds the minds of people who are being prepared for destruction. We know who those people are from their pictures in God’s Word. We, the redeemed, are not to be swayed by its seduction. We focus our attention on Jesus and set our minds on His reality, not the projection of reality that is being broadcast to the world.


The information we need is not political, it is spiritual! When informed and equipped in the Spirit, we can be His influence in the body politic. Otherwise, we are just another wrangling voice in the vast, never still ocean.

Hell is real and has a daily increase in population, malcontents from a world which shall be ruled by its Creator and His righteousness. There have been thousands of lives ended by young people who are seduced by the chief resident of hell to call themselves “martyr” instead of “dupe.” Yes, there is an enemy and he has infiltrated every camp. America has murdered over 60 million babies, generations of tax and social security base, while they were yet in the womb. In every camp, this hateful enemy of the goodness and life shows himself in a harlot’s guise, the purveyor of anything that instant gratification whines for.

The veil is thick and history is being written. No matter what politicians or the masked hoodlums with their beheading swords do or what the charismatic marketers and spin doctors say, you and I can live and die based on God’s righteous Standard. But that doesn’t mean we are obliged to be stupid enough to believe what people say, whose lives are not ruled by that Standard.

That Standard’s name is Jesus, Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, Isa, Yesu, the living God’s Anointed, the King of kings! I am not afraid nor am I ashamed to live or to die with my Savior’s life in me and His name on my lips. God so loved the WORLD, every tongue and nation, all His creation, that He gave His Son as the necessary sacrifice for them all, then raised Him from the dead to walk and fellowship among them to give them Life eternal. The Living God, our Creator, cannot lie. Therefore, there are no circumstances that would require a lie. He is the same yesterday, today & forever.

Which will you serve? The ever-changing manipulation of power-hungry men? or your Creator who loves you and will never change for any reason. What will you live the moments of your life or death for? A patronizing promise of licentious pleasures, prohibited here on earth but provided as a reward in a fantasy “heaven?” or to see pleasure in your Creator’s eyes that has always been motivated by the same thing since the beginning of time?

This life is about making that choice; either to fully live every moment and be His gift of life for those to whom He has sent you – or NOT.

This is indestructible life, to intimately know your Creator, your Father and to allow the One He sent, His first born Son, Jesus, to live out His life in your skin.

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