Are you a vessel that God can speak through?
Exodus 39-40/Galatians 1-3

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39:42-43 So the people of Israel followed all of the LORD’s instructions to Moses. Moses inspected all their work and blessed them because it had been done as the LORD had commanded him.

40:34-38 Then the cloud covered the Tabernacle, and the glorious presence of the LORD filled it. Moses was no longer able to enter the Tabernacle because the cloud had settled down over it, and the Tabernacle was filled with the awesome glory of the LORD. Now whenever the cloud lifted from the Tabernacle and moved, the people of Israel would set out on their journey, following it. But if the cloud stayed, they would stay until it moved again. The cloud of the LORD rested on the Tabernacle during the day, and at night there was fire in the cloud so all the people of Israel could see it. This continued throughout all their journeys.


3:3-5 May grace and peace be yours from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. He died for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. That is why all glory belongs to God through all the ages of eternity. Amen.

OT Flash Points

Finishing, they began following God
They had said, ”Don’t speak to us directly”
Now He speaks through Moses and all the things made for the Tabernacle
All the work of detailed craftsmanship and construction was to prepare the vessels through which God would lead them – and – they began to follow

NT Flash Points

Freedom from external mediums, substitutes or vessels for God’s voice
Once again God speaks directly with those who love Him – His people


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