COURAGE = Biblical love: Sacrificial preference for another.

Therefore – a man cannot lay down the “right to himself” without having gone to the cross with Jesus.
Then and only then can he:
• love his wife, children, parents
• submit to the authority of government and work
• lead and manage affairs of his household and vocation

Likewise, a woman cannot lay down her “right to herself” without having gone to the cross with Jesus.
Then and only then can she:
• honor and respect her husband
• submit to and champion the Biblical order for her home
• understand her function in relationships and responsibilities in her household

Have I been given as a son? A husband/wife? A father/mother? A laborer? An executive? A manager? Poor? Rich? Middleclass?
The prerequisite for success in any responsibility you’ve been given is the Cross. Jesus said, “Pick up your cross.” What does that mean? I am able to understand, “Go to the cross.” That means to lay aside everything I will when I die. This is the first step of “come to the cross” or “deny yourself.” I can grasp that BUT, “Pick it up?” That emplies – dead, but walking – carrying something – a cross. What would a portable cross be used for? A weapon? A little heavy to use as sword or club. There’s only one enemy the cross is a weapon against. Me. The problem is that the pure nature of Jesus has been installed and must be carried in the same body and mind that is always going to struggle to regain the authority to be my dominant disposition. I must keep Jesus “on the throne” of my heart so that His nature is established as my dominant disposition. I am given that power by the Cross which I carry as a memorial of my “freedom” by death to the domination of my body and mind.
I am empowered to “present my body a living sacrifice.” Rom 12:1
For,“Who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16

Love gives the courage to pick up our cross, defer to His mind and walk in His grace and mercy.

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