TC with Alec Rowlands

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Alec Rowlands, was born in South Africa. Being raised in a pastor’s home invested a rich culture and heritage in young Alec. He and his wife, Rita, pastor Westgate Chapel in Edmonds, WA. Their close relationship with Jim and Carol Cymbala – Brooklyn Tabernacle – resulted in a similar ministry personality with Alec preaching and pastoring the flock and Rita directing and pastoring the Choir, orchestra and all the rather large church within the church involved in the musical & technical ministries. When we met we bonded as fast friends for life immediately and have ministered together to that great church north of Seattle for many years. Alec became increasingly burdened for the growing clinical approach to doing church and growing churches. After much prayer, the Lord gave him a two-lane path to be His ambassador to other pastors and to anyone who is at all aware of their need for God, whether they would articulate it in that way or not. The first lane was Church Awakening, a gathering of pastors in Washington State for the purpose of hearing from God and encouraging each other toward what He wants, rather than experimenting with the latest trends and tricks for “Growing Your Church.” The second is a massive project called THE PRESENCE. I am confident my visit with Alec will both inspire and challenge you, no matter your vocation or the current status of your relationship with Jesus. I’m very honored and blessed to have a friend like Alec who, “when standing together looking at the horizon, we see the same thing.”

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